Friday 2 June 2017

A dream of peace

we can relax about Shunyata
if it's true-that there is no you (in that curious way of Najarguna)
then there never was and never will be
so what's the big fuss?

There's only 1 thing going on



In a dream of two,
that isn't true.

But this is-


buzzing now
tingling here


music of creation

color shape
ticking along
sparkling song

time = music
space = dance

 = a dream of peace

Tuesday 18 April 2017


born without name to ourselves

born of
 ? living green grace ?  
a process that churns out

stars and frogs
lattes and little fish
breathless in the ocean

learning happens
a new pattern
a fresh creation
a name


holding to the me
as separate- as outside this living green grace - 
starts a pattern
that moves towards rock 
in terms of self-knowing

holding to the me
as separate- as outside this living green grace - 
is a dream of two 
and the pattern of hurt arises

it isn't true
that nothing can touch you
bright eyes?


where do you end and the world begins?

Sunday 16 April 2017


What i want for you
dear dear love
is infinite
is tender
bubbles with joy
is fresh
alpine morning awake tweeting dawn

anywhere else than here
anything else than this

a happy morning story
with an adventurous twist- if you like that sort of thing
a lullaby that echos as
your own perfect tune
to whistle while you work

what i want for you
dear dear love
can't be held
but it can cradle can't be lost
but it can be found





Saturday 1 April 2017

The relative truth
-because it’s relative.

The ultimate truth-call it what you will, can only be pointed to by relative words or known directly- 1st person point of view- no-face to no-face.  

Because the pointing outs are relative, they can only be true for some, some of the time.

Becoming Whole

When God wants to laugh
she becomes whole

Her backside
full of nothing
hanging out in plain view
enough for me-enough for you

What does it mean to be capacity for the world?

It is exactly what it has always been.

Throw Yourself into the World.
That's where it already is
and has never left.